Recent posts
Advice for medical physics job interviews
I’ve frequently received requests for advice from medical physics Masters graduates that have been offered interviews for trainee positions. In an earlier post I mentioned that poor interview preparedness was the most common complaint from heads of department regarding candidates. Given the competitiveness of the job market, candidates need to differentiate themselves from the typical “Masters graduate.” […]
Megavoltage treatment introduction in Australia
Australia was one of the first nations to utilise MV radiation therapy equipment, with three among the first dozen clinical linear accelerators being installed in Australia in 1956 and 1957 (Thwaites and Tuohy, 2006). The number of MV teletherapy systems in Australia now exceeds 200. The expansion of services over the years is estimated in […]
Illustration of extended CT number scales
Standard CT reconstruction data is stored using 12-bit unsigned integers (i.e. having possible values of 0 to 4095). These unsigned values are rescaled to a range encompassing -1024 through 3071 (using an offset, or intercept of -1024). However CT data can also be reconstructed using an extended scale, resulting in 16-bit unsigned integers (i.e. having possible values […]

About Me
I’m Scott Crowe, a radiation oncology medical physicist
I’m employed at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia; with appointments at the Herston Biofabrication Institute, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology. My research interests include applications of 3D printing in radiation oncology, the quantitative assessment of radiotherapy treatment quality and complexity, and radiation dosimetry.