Recent posts
Regulation of in-house developed radiation oncology software in Australia
Software developed within radiation oncology departments can be used to facilitate improved patient care and improve the efficiency of various clinical processes. However the risks associated with the use of such software needs to be considered, as do legal or regulatory requirements associated with its development, supply and use. For this reason, the development and […]
Critical appraisal questions
The radiation oncology medical physics journal club at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital has three main objectives: This journal club is currently run monthly, with three papers (possibly including reviews or editorials, etc.) discussed in a round table style each meeting. In addition to this discussion, one physicist is asked to present one of […]
Radium treatments of lesions
The following notes for the treatment of lesions using radium (beginning 1928 in Queensland) are taken from KM Hoffman’s The History of the Queensland Cancer Trust and the Queensland Radium Institute. Radium was most frequently used for surface lesions: Most treatments of surface lesions were with radium moulds, radium being mounted on columbia paste (consisting […]

About Me
I’m Scott Crowe, a radiation oncology medical physicist
I’m employed at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia; with appointments at the Herston Biofabrication Institute, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology. My research interests include applications of 3D printing in radiation oncology, the quantitative assessment of radiotherapy treatment quality and complexity, and radiation dosimetry.